Dance Dance Snake is a 3D game inspired by the Classic Snake game. The main character of this game is a green snake wearing sunglasses. Drive the snake and make it collect soft drinks and juices. The more the snake will drink, the longer it will survive and the more score you will get.
When the snake becomes long enough, the next round will start automatically. Sometimes you will find fruits, wooden sticks, insects and other things in the play-ground and if you collect them all, you will finish the round faster and get a higher score as well. Don't try to break through any wall or any rock in the play-ground, otherwise, the snake will die and you will lose the game. Also, don't let the snake hit itself.
The game includes ten play-grounds to choose from; the examples of these places are: a beach, a bar, a farm and some others. The only location available in the trial version is the disco club place, and you can play only 60 minutes. When you close the game window, a feedback request appears on your screen inquiring about your rating for the music, game-play and the difficulty level.